Monday, March 31, 2025
Cup NewsNews

Sunday Cup winners 2019/20

2nd November 2020 – Aldershot DFA Sunday Cup winners

We managed to complete our two outstanding cup finals from 2019/20 on Sunday 1st November.

Both were keenly contested in front of good crowds and Farnborough FC looked after us and the games extremely well.

Results were:

The Eric Holbrook Final
Hawley Bridge 4  Wyvern 3

The Sunday Senior Cup
FC Fleet 3  Bracknell Rangers 4

Many thanks to all Council Members who were present and helped out on the day, and special thanks to Steve Yeomans for his work in making sure that the games went ahead.   Steve now passes the ADFA cup baton to Richard Whittington, though of course the impact of Covid-19 means our next cup competitions won’t be until the 2021/22 season.

Grassroots football is about to enter another period of uncertainty and as it does so, we will endeavour to keep you all as informed as we can.

Mike Gardner
Aldershot DFA

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